Parish Council
St Andrew's church
April 28th 2024
6.30 for 7.00pm
The return of our concert series with Andrew Quartermain , Piano
Lizst, Chopin and Rachmaninoff
Tickets: Adult £12,00/ £4.00child
From or 01728 747038
The fete is being held at The Firs, by kind permission of Paul and Lesley Bensley, on Saturday July 20th from 2-4pm. There will be music, a fun dog show, children's games, cakes, bric a brac, tombola, teas and lots more.
The date of the next Marlesford Parish Council meeting is on Friday 16th August 2024,
7.00pm in Marlesford Community Centre.
All members of the public are most welcome to attend.
Their is a vacancy on the Parish Council and it is hoped that we can fill the vacancy by
Co-option at the August meeting.
If you are interested in becoming a Parish Councillor, then speak to a member of the
Parish Council, who will be able to give you more information or contact the Clerk.
Come along to the Community Centre in Church Road for a few drinks, laughs and good company. General knowledge welcomed but not compulsory - its just for fun!!
The date of the next Marlesford Parish Council meeting is
The Old School funds have been transferred to COIF Charities Ethical Investment Fund Income units .The trustees are now accepting applications for grants in line with the Charity guidelines. Any Marlesford resident with a child starting at Wickham Market or Thomas Mills High School encouraged to submit an application. In addition any pupil leaving school and progressing to College or University can also apply for a grant. Other education related applications can be submitted and will be considered on their merits. Application forms are available from me or can be downloaded by clicking here.