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Correspondence & Articles


Thank you to everyone who responded with your suggestions for projects to be developed in
Marlesford funded by the Community Infrastructure Levy of £5319.81. The results of the survey
showed 55% of responses put the Community Centre solar panel as their number one priority. 15%
requested a village defibrillator for the Community Centre with 11% for both the community
eco-projects and highways.

Acting on the results of your responses, the Parish Council has agreed to allocate £5000 of the funds to
the Community Centre solar project. To pay for the defibrillator the Parish Council is seeking funds
from our Suffolk County Councillor, Stephen Burroughs. The highways suggestions will not be carried
forward due to the on-going consultations in progress as part of Sizewell energy where, for example,
pedestrian crossings for the A12 are being proposed.

The intention is that the remaining £319.81 will be allocated to community eco-projects. Examples
include: a village orchard, a communal firewood scheme, a food waste scheme to include communal
composting and, potentially a scheme to increase biodiversity of road verges if further subsidies can be

The eco-projects will require commitment from people in the village to succeed so we are looking for
volunteers to express an interest in championing one or more of these projects. Other projects will also
be considered. There are many similar initiatives that are up and running locally with a network of
experts and potentially further funding.

If you want to be a Marlesford Eco-champion please email lesleybensley@gmail.com or call Lesley on
07901 882464 to discuss for further information or contact any member of the Parish Council