Parish Council
Call for Volunteers - Saturday April 18th.
In November's Parish Magazine, I outlined the plans for the management of St Andrew's churchyard that will ensure it is respectfully cared for whilst at the same time recognising its importance as a wildlife habitat.
Our first work party will be strimming the areas to be kept close mown, mainly around the graves that are regularly tended, and giving a haircut to some of the longer grass. the aim will be to keep a patchwork of different heights and types of vegetation, control the nettles, thistles and ragwort and create reptile and amphibian habitat piles with the vegetation we clear. we hope to encourage the spread of meadow saxifrage, orchids and orpine (our native sedum) as well as improving the habitat for beetles and other insects.
We look forward to seeing as many of you as would like to join us - young and old. Thank you, Richard Cooper. Mobile 07802 173182, email richardccooper@