Parish Council
Churchyard survey
If you are one of the many people who enjoy a stroll through the churchyard you will appreciate that it is a quiet and special place at the heart of the village. Churchyards are not only the sacred burial ground around the church, but increasingly they are being recognized as an important refuge for wildlife. They are largely undisturbed and centuries of sympathetic management have created a varied habitat for plants and animals.
A management plan has been produced not only for the areas of the churchyard that have been kept tidy by many people over the years, but also for the areas to be maintained for wildlife. The plan was finalised early in 2020 and we aimed to have three main work parties to help put the plan into action, but Covid restrictions meant that we were only to have one morning, with a very good turnout of helpers.
We hope to be able to return to our schedule of work parties in 2021, hopefully to coincide with cake sale days, when there will be free coffee and a cake for volunteers.
Please come and join us to help tackle the worst of the weeds and find out more about what makes Marlesford churchyard so special. If you are interested in helping in some way please contact me on Thank you.
In connecection with Caring for God's Acre we had a survey in the churchyard in June
For a list of the species we found, please see this link-